#167 Birth and Everything After with Caitlin Kean

To wrap up our Pregnancy Series, we’re talking to Real Life Mom Caitlin Kean (The Paper Year podcast) about pregnancy, birth, and all the unexpected complicated things that can happen after. From trouble with nursing to allergies to postpartum anxiety, Caitlin has amazing perspective and great advice on handling anything that comes your way as a new parent.

Links in this episode: The Paper Year podcast, Caitlin on Instagram, Information on Gestational Diabetes, Information on RhoGAM, Information on Tongue-Tie, Study on the relationship between lack of sleep and postpartum depression and anxiety, More on Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, More on the FDA-approved PPD drug, Park Slope Parents group

#164 Pregnancy: First Trimester

The beginning of pregnancy is the First Trimester. So that’s the first three months, right? Wait, first 13 weeks? But hold on, when do the weeks start? Daphnie and Joanna explain it all, including what’s going on in a pregnant body, what symptoms come along for the ride, and what to think about in terms of fitness and nutrition when the thought of either of those things might make you want to vom. Plus, great early pregnancy resources!

Links in this episode: Menstrual cycle FAQ, Digital pregnancy test that Joanna likes, Info on ectopic pregnancy, Miscarriage risk by week, Expecting Better by Emily Oster, The Pregnancy Podcast and 40 Weeks Podcast