#155 Squats and Lunges

There are two essential exercises you can’t escape when you strength train: squats and lunges. Daphnie explains why they matter and how to do them properly, and Joanna makes her come up with approximately one billion variations because no one likes a boring workout. Plus, does Daphnie really eat cookies for breakfast? We find out in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: Form videos for squats, lunges, sumo squats, side lunges, curtsy lunges. Daphnie’s favorite breakfast cookie recipe.

#145 Calves

The more times you say it, the less it sounds like a word. Calves. Callllllvvvves. Caffs? The point is, we’re talking about the muscles of your lower leg. Daphnie explains the anatomy of the calves, why they’re important, how to strengthen them, and whether or not we can really change how they look. Plus: injury prevention tips!

Links in this episode: The anatomy of the calf, Video instruction on how to do calf raises, How to foam roll your calves and how to foam roll for shin splints

#132 Knees

Knees can seem like the human body’s weak spot, but are they really? If there are activities you’re avoiding because of knee problems (or fear of future knee problems) Daphnie is here to help shift your perspective. She explains what’s behind common knee problems and what you can do to strengthen and support the largest joints in your body.

Links in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Here's a good image of the human knee. Form videos: Glute bridgesquatslungesdeadlifts, lateral lunges

#131 Quads

Quads are one of the biggest muscle groups in the body, but do you actually know what they do? Daphnie says most of us are quad-dominant, and “not in a good way”. This week, she explains the role our quads play in everyday mobility and suggests some of her favorite exercises to keep our muscles balanced. Plus we give poor Daphnie a heart attack in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Graphics of the quads, Our past episodes on How to Build Functional Strength, Injuries and Prevention, and Recovering from Injuries. Form videos: leg extensionstanding quad stretch, foam rolling quads