#177 Athletes and Eating Disorders with Lizzie Briasco

We think of athletes as the healthiest people around, but unhealthy relationships with food and exercise are even more common among athletes than in the general population. Former competitive runner and Eating Disorder Dietitian Lizzie Briasco, MSc, RD, LD joins us to talk about why athletes of all ages are at risk for EDs, how to spot someone who might be suffering, and what attitude changes in athletic programs could help prevent disordered eating before it starts.

Links in this episode: Lizzie’s Instagram “The Recovered Athlete”, The Emily Program for ED treatment, NEDA resources on ED and athletes, NCAA on EDs and athletes

#161 Orthorexia

There’s a new eating disorder in town (yay?) and just like a lot of diets, it’s masquerading as a “healthy lifestyle change”. Orthorexia, an obsession with “proper” or “healthful” eating, can be as dangerous as Anorexia or Bulimia, but it’s completely normalized in our culture. We work through how to recognize it in ourselves and others and offer some resources for recovery.

Links in this episode: More on Orthorexia from NationalEatingDisorders.org, Food Psych podcast with anti-diet RD Christy Harrison, Registered Dietitian/Intuitive Eating Coaches Laura Iu and Valery Kallen, Health Coach Holly Toronto