#099 Emotional Eating

Lots of us identify as Emotional Eaters, but what does that really mean? How can we get more in touch with our hunger cues without being controlling about food? Daphnie walks us through how to think about emotional eating outside the context of weight loss and offers tips and tricks for becoming more aware of our habits.

Links in this episode: Past guest Christy Harrison's podcast Food Psych, Our episode on Mindful Eating, Refinery29 on Emotional Eating, NAMI mental health resources

#043 Guilt

Guilt is a tricky feeling. No one likes it, exactly, but we do it to ourselves all the time. Does this sound familiar? “Ugh, I can’t believe I ate all that pizza, I’m the worst. “I didn’t work out today, what a lazy bum.” “I’ll never lose weight if I keep doing that thing I keep doing!” Today, Daphnie explains how guilt actually gets in the way of our quest to be more awesome, and how dealing with feelings of guilt is one of the first, and more important, steps to a healthy lifestyle. Plus, we get a day in the life of Daphnie in “What Your Trainer Eats”

Links: Episode with Daphnie’s smoothie recipe, Amazing "This American Life" episode about fat and shaming