#049RR Inflammation

Talking about inflammation has gotten trendy recently. Is it really the cause of all of our problems? Daphnie explains the different kinds of inflammation, what the deal is with anti-inflammatory diets, and how we can use reducing inflammation to our advantage. Plus we talk about delicious nutritious olive oil in Power Foods.

Links in this episode: Chronic stress in kids, EWG guide to household cleaners, New Yorker article about inflammation, How strong is the link between inflammation and depression?, More info on probiotics in food4-7-8 breaths , Harvard's list of foods that fight inflammation

#064 Bones and Calcium

Bones are weird, right? We don’t think about them much, but they’re what keeps us from being a bunch of empty skin sacks. Daphnie explains what our bones are made of, how we can keep them strong, and what we can do to change them for the better. Plus, we answer a Listener Question about gluten-free breakfasts.

Links: The Mayo Clinic on Osteoporosis and Scoliosis, Video about yoga therapy and Scoliosis, Alexander Technique, Posture monitor, Gluten-free banana pancakes, Breakfast rice porridge recipes, Cup 4 Cup gluten-free flour, King Arthur gluten-free mixes

#003 Carbs!

Joanna and Daphnie talk carbs. What are carbohydrates and why does everyone seem so afraid of them? What’s the deal with Atkins, South Beach, and Paleo? What is a gluten, anyway? Plus, Daphnie helps Joanna get over her “Excuse of the Week” for why she isn’t exercising.