#014RR Alcohol

What is alcohol? Fun? Dangerous? Caloric? Exciting? How does it make you drunk? Does Daphnie ever get hungover? To prep for New Years Eve, we talk science and strategy with alcohol, including hangover tips, how drinking affects your weight, and the best drinks to choose when you’re out at da club. (We are nearly constantly at da club, just for your reference.) Plus, a listener question about finding exercises on the big scary internet.

Links in this episode: More info about Blue Zones

#112 Break Your Food Habits

Eating habits: we’ve all got ‘em. It’s totally normal. Some of them are probably good habits! But some of them are more like, “I’M STICKING FOOD IN MY FOOD HOLE BECAUSE IT’S PRETZEL O’CLOCK!” Daphnie and Joanna talk about how we form food habits, which ones we might want to think about breaking, and how to do it in a healthy, sustainable way.

Links in this episode: Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink

#111 How to Build Muscle

Show us your muscles! Fitness media is really gendered: women are told to only focus on losing weight, and men are encouraged to bulk up in crazy ways. So, let’s take it down a notch and talk about how and why normal people should build muscle in a healthy, sustainable way. Plus, we spark joy with a Listener Question.

Links in this episode: Our episode on Bones and Calcium, Marie Kondo’s book on organizing, Donate your prom dresses through WGIRLS

#110 Gift Guide 2017

It’s the time of year for buying gifts for all sorts of people in your life (and the time of year for making a wish list for yourself!) This “Just One More” gift guide is full of Joanna and Daphnie’s ideas for fitness and nutrition related gifts that normal people won’t think are a bummer (or a fat-shaming hint or something).

Here's our page of links to all of the products we mention in this episode!

#109 Physical Therapy with Dr. Ray Ednie

Most of us will get referred to a physical therapist at some point in our lives, but how can we tell if we have a good one, and what are they actually supposed to be doing for us? Daphnie’s physical therapist, Dr. Ray Ednie, joins us to talk about how to make the most out of your physical therapy experience. Plus, we find out what Daphnie is like as a patient...

Links in this episode: Ray’s practice in NYC, Rock climber Alex Honnold, Database of certified PTs by specialty

#108 5 Ways to Thank Your Body

It’s easy to be mad at our bodies. Why can’t they look the way we want them to? Why don’t they run faster? Why aren’t they stronger? Why do they still operate based on Caveman rules? But our bodies are INCREDIBLE! Here are 5 ways to thank your body for the incredible job it does of keeping you alive. Plus, if you don’t have time for a Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving, Daphnie has some alternate ideas in “Daphnie’s Favorite Exercise”.

Links in this episode: "In the Service" podcast, More info on the fear/disgust over holes and dots, USDA food safety tips, America's Test Kitchen on keeping your sink clean (via Splendid Table), Presence by Amy Cuddy

#107 Burn It All Down: When to Take a Break

Self-improvement can start to feel exhausting. There are only so many things you can make Google Calendar reminders about for yourself before you feel like you don’t have any time to just...be. But if we stop doing these things, will it make us failures? Quitters? Fat? When is it time to burn it all down and take a break? Daphnie helps us work through our burnout and find some balance. Plus, we go out for brunch in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

#106 Is it OK to Want to Lose Weight?

A listener asks: in the age of body positivity and self acceptance, is it OK that I still want to lose weight? Joanna and Daphnie tackle the layers of guilt built into our relationships with our bodies and how to care for ourselves without letting worries about our bodies take over our lives. Plus, we look at another Pinterest diet in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Food Psych podcast, More on Body Neutrality, Our episode on Guilt

#005RR Halloween

Halloween kicks off the holiday season (yikes!). How do you handle all that candy? Hide it from your kids? Hide it from yourself? Daphnie has great trick or treating and party tips for having a healthy holiday without being a huge downer. Plus, we talk about Daphnie’s smoothie recipe in "What Your Trainer Eats".

Links in this episode: Gnocchi with Squash and Kale, Spinach and Orzo Salad, Places to donate candy: Halloween Candy Buyback, Operation Gratitude, Ronald McDonald House. Teal Pumpkin Project.

#105 Cooking with Kids with Ashley Moulton

Cooking with kids makes them more likely to try new foods, helps them establish healthy habits, and reinforces the skills they learn in school. Plus, it’s a great chance to bond as a family! But cooking with kids can also be messy, and time consuming, and...what if you aren’t that great of a cook yourself? Nomster Chef founder Ashley Moulton gives us great tips and tricks for getting started with kids in the kitchen even if you aren’t a Master Chef.

Links in this episode: Nomster Chef Kickstarter, Nomster Chef website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, Learning Design and Technology program at Stanford, YouTube Kids, Curious Chef, Montessori learning towers, Chop Chop magazine, Sesame Street cookbook

#104 Listener Questions

You asked for it! This week, Joanna and Daphnie answer questions from listeners, covering everything from smoothie recipes to Ketogenic diets, with a good Question from Joanna’s Dad to round things out. Plus, we learn about Daphnie’s favorite animal in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 produce lists, more info on Ketogenic diet, video about Ketogenic diet from Mayo Clinic

#103 Eating for Power: Fall

It’s the fall edition of our “Eating for Power” series! Time for apples, squash, Brussels sprouts, and weather cool enough to make us want to use our ovens again (finally!). In this episode, Daphnie explains what it means to eat for power, and she and Joanna share some of their favorite powerful autumn recipes. Plus, Daphnie gets creative in “Daphnie’s Favorite Exercise.”

Links in this episode: GrowNYC's chart of what produce is in season, Fuchsia Dunlop's Smothered Rainbow Chard with Garlic, Shakshuka with cabbage, Kung Pao Brussels sprouts, Beet quesadillas, Eggplant pasta sauce, Smokey egplant dipInfo on air chilled chicken, Sheet pan fajitas

#102 Couples Therapy with Jen Elmquist

A lot of us get nervous about the idea of “couples counseling”: doesn’t seeing someone mean something is really...wrong with us? Isn't it just for old married people who are getting divorced? Absolutely not! Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Jen Elmquist joins us to break through the stigma of taking care of our hearts and minds the way we take care of our bodies. We talk about what couples therapy is, when might be a good time to try it, and how her book, Relationship Reset, can get us heading in the right direction without even sitting down on The Couch.

Links in this episode: Jen's book Relationship Reset, Jen’s website, Jen on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, find a therapist at goodtherapy.org or psychologytoday.com

#101 Sports Drinks and Energy Bars

Sports drinks and energy bars are everywhere, but do they actually do what they claim to do? What should we look for when picking out a protein bar, and should we be drinking sports drinks before, during, or after our workouts? Daphnie tells us how to pick the best products and how to save some cash by making them ourselves. Plus, What Your Trainer Eats...in Europe!

Links in this episode: StartUp podcast episode on cricket protein, More info on huponatremiaHow I Built This podcast episode on Clif BarsMake your own Larabars

#100 Milestones (LIVE)

It's the 100th episode of Just One More! With Joanna and Daphnie so we’re talking Milestones! Special guest Chemda Hennessy (Keith and the Girl) talks about her health milestones from the past year when she had a TUMOR THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL REMOVED FROM HER CHEST! Plus live music from Hannah Fairchild of Hannah vs. The Many and listener questions from a surprise guest. Recorded live at The PIT in NYC on 8/9/17.

Links in this episode: Video from the live show, Chemda’s podcast Keith and the Girl, Hannah's band Hannah vs. The Many, Hannah on Spotify, Libby PR, The PIT NYC

#099 Emotional Eating

Lots of us identify as Emotional Eaters, but what does that really mean? How can we get more in touch with our hunger cues without being controlling about food? Daphnie walks us through how to think about emotional eating outside the context of weight loss and offers tips and tricks for becoming more aware of our habits.

Links in this episode: Past guest Christy Harrison's podcast Food Psych, Our episode on Mindful Eating, Refinery29 on Emotional Eating, NAMI mental health resources

#050RR Back to School Special

It’s Back to School time! As Daphnie says, “Back to School is the New Years of the fall”, so it’s a great time to set up your routines for the year ahead. In this episode, Joanna and Daphnie talk about school lunch ideas, how to balance your time (for students AND parents), planning your workout schedule for the fall, and Back to the “Office” tips for teachers and staff. Plus, we have our very first Listener Shout Out!

Links in this episode: "Real Food" school lunch ideasMore school lunch ideasEp. 4 RoutineEp. 39 Building a WorkoutIdeas for breakfasts with lots of protein

#098 Chiropractic Care with Dr. Laura Roos

Chiropractic care is one of those things where you either use it and feel super passionate about it, or you have no idea what it is. Daphnie is our resident chiropractic cheerleader, and Joanna (no surprise) is clueless. Our guest, Dr. Laura Roos, explains what chiropractic care is, how it might help you feel more awesome, and what to look for when you’re finding a practitioner.

Links in this episode: Dr. Laura’s website and Instagram, Find chiropractors around the country with the same specialties as Dr. Laura, Mayo Clinic info on chiropractic care, More on Sacro-Occipital TechniqueOur Acupuncture episode with Sara Vaccariello

#097 Plantar Fasciitis

A listener asks if Daphnie has tips for cardio you can do with Plantar Fasciitis, and we take a deep dive into this super common, and super debilitating, foot problem. What IS your plantar fascia anyway? Is there anyway to stop it from itis-ing? And once you’ve got it, how can you get your sweat on without hurting yourself? We’ve got answers (Daphnie always has answers.)

Links in this episode: A good Plantar Fascia image from Mayo, Video of stretches for Plantar Fasciitis from the Cleveland Clinic, Video of arch stretch, Yoga Tune Up balls, Massage therapy ball set on Amazon Prime

#096 Triathlons with Alicia DiFabio

Triathlons are for crazy people, right? Well, kind of! In her book Women Who Tri, guest Alicia DiFabio tells the story of how the women in her small New Jersey town went “triathlon crazy” and took her along for the ride. We talk with Alicia about the birth of triathlon as a sport, why women are feeling drawn to it in huge numbers, and all the different ways to make triathlons more accessible to us “normal people”. Warning: you might get inspired!

Links in this episode: Buy Women Who Tri on Amazon, Find Women Who Tri at an indie bookstore near you, Mullica Hill Women’s Tri Club, More info on Title IX, Ironman Women For Tri program, Queen of the Hill Triathlon photos, Alicia's website, Alicia's blog Lost In Holland, Alicia on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook