#101 Sports Drinks and Energy Bars

Sports drinks and energy bars are everywhere, but do they actually do what they claim to do? What should we look for when picking out a protein bar, and should we be drinking sports drinks before, during, or after our workouts? Daphnie tells us how to pick the best products and how to save some cash by making them ourselves. Plus, What Your Trainer Eats...in Europe!

Links in this episode: StartUp podcast episode on cricket protein, More info on huponatremiaHow I Built This podcast episode on Clif BarsMake your own Larabars

#100 Milestones (LIVE)

It's the 100th episode of Just One More! With Joanna and Daphnie so we’re talking Milestones! Special guest Chemda Hennessy (Keith and the Girl) talks about her health milestones from the past year when she had a TUMOR THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL REMOVED FROM HER CHEST! Plus live music from Hannah Fairchild of Hannah vs. The Many and listener questions from a surprise guest. Recorded live at The PIT in NYC on 8/9/17.

Links in this episode: Video from the live show, Chemda’s podcast Keith and the Girl, Hannah's band Hannah vs. The Many, Hannah on Spotify, Libby PR, The PIT NYC

#099 Emotional Eating

Lots of us identify as Emotional Eaters, but what does that really mean? How can we get more in touch with our hunger cues without being controlling about food? Daphnie walks us through how to think about emotional eating outside the context of weight loss and offers tips and tricks for becoming more aware of our habits.

Links in this episode: Past guest Christy Harrison's podcast Food Psych, Our episode on Mindful Eating, Refinery29 on Emotional Eating, NAMI mental health resources

#050RR Back to School Special

It’s Back to School time! As Daphnie says, “Back to School is the New Years of the fall”, so it’s a great time to set up your routines for the year ahead. In this episode, Joanna and Daphnie talk about school lunch ideas, how to balance your time (for students AND parents), planning your workout schedule for the fall, and Back to the “Office” tips for teachers and staff. Plus, we have our very first Listener Shout Out!

Links in this episode: "Real Food" school lunch ideasMore school lunch ideasEp. 4 RoutineEp. 39 Building a WorkoutIdeas for breakfasts with lots of protein

#098 Chiropractic Care with Dr. Laura Roos

Chiropractic care is one of those things where you either use it and feel super passionate about it, or you have no idea what it is. Daphnie is our resident chiropractic cheerleader, and Joanna (no surprise) is clueless. Our guest, Dr. Laura Roos, explains what chiropractic care is, how it might help you feel more awesome, and what to look for when you’re finding a practitioner.

Links in this episode: Dr. Laura’s website and Instagram, Find chiropractors around the country with the same specialties as Dr. Laura, Mayo Clinic info on chiropractic care, More on Sacro-Occipital TechniqueOur Acupuncture episode with Sara Vaccariello

#097 Plantar Fasciitis

A listener asks if Daphnie has tips for cardio you can do with Plantar Fasciitis, and we take a deep dive into this super common, and super debilitating, foot problem. What IS your plantar fascia anyway? Is there anyway to stop it from itis-ing? And once you’ve got it, how can you get your sweat on without hurting yourself? We’ve got answers (Daphnie always has answers.)

Links in this episode: A good Plantar Fascia image from Mayo, Video of stretches for Plantar Fasciitis from the Cleveland Clinic, Video of arch stretch, Yoga Tune Up balls, Massage therapy ball set on Amazon Prime

#096 Triathlons with Alicia DiFabio

Triathlons are for crazy people, right? Well, kind of! In her book Women Who Tri, guest Alicia DiFabio tells the story of how the women in her small New Jersey town went “triathlon crazy” and took her along for the ride. We talk with Alicia about the birth of triathlon as a sport, why women are feeling drawn to it in huge numbers, and all the different ways to make triathlons more accessible to us “normal people”. Warning: you might get inspired!

Links in this episode: Buy Women Who Tri on Amazon, Find Women Who Tri at an indie bookstore near you, Mullica Hill Women’s Tri Club, More info on Title IX, Ironman Women For Tri program, Queen of the Hill Triathlon photos, Alicia's website, Alicia's blog Lost In Holland, Alicia on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

#041RR 10 Things You Get To Stop Doing

Fitness and nutrition experts are always giving you lists of things you should be doing. In typical Just One More fashion, we don’t do things like everybody else does. Here is Just One More’s list of 10 Things You Get To Stop Doing! Like, forever! You never have to do them again! Plus, Daphnie helps us figure out what to order at Chipotle in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Our previous coverage of EggsMilkArtificial SweetenersCarbs, and Abs 

#095 Foam Rolling

With how obsessed Daphnie is with foam rolling, we realized it deserved its own episode. Why should we be embarrassing ourselves at the gym by rolling all over these giant foam tubes and yelling in pain? Daphnie makes the case that it will help with recovery, flexibility, and more. Plus, we address the recent coconut oil drama (DRAMA!).

Links in this episode: Daphnie's foam rolling video from Gothamista, Foam roller on Amazon, AHA Report that started the coconut oil backlash, New York Magazine on why coconut oil is still fine, Our episode all about Oil

#094 Shutting Down Body Shaming

A listener asks, “How do you shut down negative food talk among coworkers?” We’ve all been caught in situations where we’re uncomfortable with the way our friends and colleagues are talking about themselves, or the food they eat, or celebrities’ bodies. How can we turn those conversations around without making our friends feel defensive? By the end of the episode, you’ll have the tools to be a quiet (or loud!) warrior for body positivity.

#093 Exercise: Why Bother?

Lots of people don’t exercise. You might be one of them. (Don’t worry, there are a lot of you.) In this episode, we’re going to try and convince you that it’s worth your time. Already exercising? We’re going to tell you which workouts are worth your time and which workouts are like tossing your time and energy down the drain. Plus, we discover a remarkable crouton in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Our "Stress" episode, Mayo Clinic on Exercise and Depression, Fitness Blender free online workout videos, Daphnie’s HIIT It! classes

#092 Work Meals & Business Travel

We covered staying fit at the office back in Ep. 85, but there were so many challenges that we didn’t even get to two bigs ones: Work Meals & Business Travel. How can you stay on top of your professional relationships and responsibilities without feeling like your blood is 100% alcohol? What do you do when you’re at your third work function in three days where the meal is baked ziti? Daphnie has tips to help you be a Prepared Panda. Plus, things get dark in a new segment, “So Hot Right Now”.

Links in this episode: Tickets to our LIVE SHOW, Session cocktails in GQ, Aperol spritz recipe, Rx Bars, Top 10 Travel Tips, Stay Fit at the Office Part 1

#091 Eating for Power: Summer

It’s the summer edition of our “Eating for Power” series! Time for corn salad, gazpacho, and getting WAY too excited about green beans. In this episode, Daphnie explains what it means to eat for power, and she and Joanna share some of their favorite powerful summer recipes. Plus, Daphnie gives us some alternatives to holding planks forever in “Daphnie’s Favorite Exercise.”

Links in this episode: GrowNYC's chard of What's In Season, Food waste documentary Daphnie mentions, How to use collard greens as wraps, Smoothie recipe that uses yellow squash, Tomato sauce recipe that doesn't make you peel the tomatoes, Food mill, Daphnie's gazpacho, Frosé (Frozen Rosé) recipe

#090 Stop Wasting Food with Hannah Jastram Aaberg

Food waste is bad in two big ways: it means throwing away perfectly good food in a world where many people don’t have enough to eat, AND it means basically ripping up your hard earned cash and throwing it in the garbage. This week, Registered Dietitian and Flavor Maven Hannah Jastram Aaberg gives us tips for making the most of the food we buy, from using every last bit of that bunch of herbs to a hilarious use for pickle juice. Never fear what’s hiding in your crisper again!

Links in this episode: Hannah's recipe for Green Stuff, Hannah’s awesome blog, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us HumanHannah on Twitter, Hannah on Instagram

#089 Weirdest Thing I've Ever Done

The world of fitness and nutrition is wide, and it is 90% completely insane. Totally rational people do crazy things because they saw them in a magazine or on Pinterest. Joanna and Daphnie are no exception! This week, we talk about the weirdest things we’ve ever done in the name of “health”. Then, we open things up to our listeners and things REALLY get wacky! Plus, Daphnie turns into a Green Goddess in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: National Eating Disorder Helpline, National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine

#088 10 Cheap Ways to Get More Awesome

Making positive, sustainable life changes is hard enough as it is. Add in the cost of organic produce, expensive gym memberships, and $100 pants, and it can feel totally out of reach for us normal people. Well, sorry, that excuse won’t work anymore after today! In this episode, Daphnie and Joanna have 10 Cheap Ways to Get More Awesome, and there’s something for everybody, from cheap college students to new parents on a budget. Plus we talk about internet buzzwords in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: "Ice cream" made from bananas, Free Prospect Park yogaFitness Blender, Yoga with AdrienePlanet Fitness gyms, Blink Fitness gyms, YMCA, Planet Money episode about how gyms make money, Video we talk about in "This Is Crazy, Right?"

#087 Workout Safety

Working out is supposed to make us feel more awesome, so we definitely don’t want to exercise and end up injured, sick, or worse. This week, Daphnie gives us all the info on how to stay safe when we work out, from how to perfect our form in the weight room to why we should probably think about bringing our own yoga mats to class (hint: the reason is SUPER GROSS). Plus, we take a trip down memory lane to KFC in “Best Choice”.

 Links in this Episode: Our episode on Improving Your Form, Squat form, Deadlift form, Plank form, Push-up Form, Bent Over Row Form, Tips for running safely outdoors

#086 BBQs and Picnics

It’s the beginning of the summer BBQ and picnic season. So fun! Also, so much opportunity for food poisoning or eating an entire dinner of only tortilla chips! This week, Joanna and Daphnie have great tips for keeping your food safe at your summertime soirées, and for how to enjoy yourself without food guilt. Plus, Daphnie deals with raw food diets in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Safety info from the FDA and CDC, Rachael Ray Lasagna Lugger, Safe cooking temps for meat, Good instant-red meat thermometer, Recipe for Spinach, Almond, and Orzo Salad with Cranberries, Book Joanna mentions: Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human

#085 Stay Fit At The Office

If you work in an office, it feels like all the chips are stacked against you in terms of feeling awesome: sitting all day, endless snacking, lack of sunlight, blech. How can we address the fitness and nutrition challenges of a 9 to 5 job without looking like a crazy person? Is sitting the new smoking? WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP BRINGING BAKED GOODS? Don’t panic, we’re here for you.

Links in this episode: Mayo Clinic on the dangers of sitting, CNET on how to set up your workstation ergonomically, Here are the laptop stand and keyboard Joanna uses, 5 apps to help with eye strain and taking breaks, Our episode on setting up an exercise routine

#084 Breakfast

Everyone’s always yelling at us to eat breakfast, but, like, why? What’s the big deal? Daphnie explains why you’re “screwing yourself over” if you don’t eat breakfast, and she and Joanna brainstorm the only list of breakfast ideas you’ll ever need. Plus, a special appearance by Daphnie’s husband Stuart in “Daphnie’s Favorite Exercise”!

Links in this episode: More on how sumo wrestlers gain weight by skipping breakfast, Joanna's favorite nutty granola recipe, Crustless spinach quiche recipe, Greek yogurt chocolate banana muffins recipe, Freezer breakfast sandwich recipe (not sure it's a good idea to microwave them with the plastic wrap on, but you do you)Freezer breakfast burritos